Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Groovy and Grails join the Spring family

You may have already read about it in the various news outlets and blogs covering the announcement, but if you haven’t I’m excited to spread the word that G2One - The Groovy/Grails company - has been acquired by SpringSource. The result is that Groovy and Grails join the growing number of excellent Open Source projects delivered by SpringSource.

The Spring Framework really pioneered simplified development on the Java platform. A philosophy that is the very essence of Grails. Both frameworks aggressively try to makes the lives of developers easier. The Spring Framework provides an abstraction layer of common Java enterprise APIs, whilst Grails uses the Groovy dynamic language to further simplify Spring and Java. In this sense Grails fits perfectly into SpringSource’s philosophy.

On the Grails front this is great news at multiple levels. With Grails already being based on Spring, users of Grails now have access to expertise about not only Grails, but also Spring, the framework that underpins all of Grails. Grails will benefit further from tighter integration with the Spring Framework with exciting integration possibilities on the horizon between Grails and great Spring portfolio products like Spring Batch, Spring Integration and SpringSource dm Server.

Grails will benefit from greater visibility and wider adoption simply by being under the SpringSource umbrella. In addition, SpringSource will bring all their expertise around Eclipse plugin development ensuring that users of Groovy and Grails have a first class experience in the Eclipse IDE.

At SpringSource, there is a lot of excitement about Groovy and Grails. Grails adds that little bit of Web 2.0 spice to the company and provides yet another avenue for users to adopt the Spring Framework. We’re literally buzzing with ideas on how Spring, Groovy and Grails can be integrated in the future and look forward to the feedback of the respective communities.

I personally will continue to lead Grails at SpringSource, whilst Guillaume remains the project lead of Groovy. The majority of the former G2One team have taken up positions at SpringSource. On the topic of Guillaume, he is as excited about this development as I am and has a great post on the benefits of the acquisition to Groovy. Check it out!



Alex Wei said...

It's great news! I hope this will significantly boost the visibility of Grails and the adoption of both Groovy and Grails in enterprises.

Marcel Overdijk said...

WOW! I'm amazed.

Really good news.

There is no execuse anymore to not use Grails and Groovy in any commercial project!

Anonymous said...

This will defiantly mean a lot of non-shy groovy/grails job postings, and I hope that one of the buzzing ideas is the option of adding social capabilities to Grails ;)

Sven said...

Great news!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys, it's the best platform I had to work in. Great work

Anonymous said...

Bit of a worrying response from Spring Source though in response to the question about 'maintenance release structure'...

...Thoughtful and practical policies are part of trying to find such as balance and SpringSource plans to engage with the Groovy and Grails users and community should such policies need to be im-plemented. More specifically, we anticipate that there will be no need to introduce a policy for Groovy, but since future releases of Grails are likely to be delivered alongside releases of Spring, if a policy is introduced SpringSource will work closely with the community to do what makes sense [/quote]

Given the organic relatively exponential growth that Grails etc. has had recently, might this not impact on its adoption?

Anonymous said...

GREAT!! Just another way I can convince my manager that Groovy and Grail should be used in our projects!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Well done Graeme and the Groovy/Grails team, and also well done Rod. I reckon Mr.Johnson's been eyeing up Groovy for some time now. Hopefully we'll be seeing applicationContext.groovy used in favour of applicationContext.xml soon, and hopefully grails tooling development will accelerate now too.

Anonymous said...

SpringSource is acknowledging what developers have gleefully known for some time: Grails and Groovy are brilliant pieces of work. You must have rocks in your head if you're not using Grails. Now you can start smoking the good weed. Congratulations!

yuvalgo said...

Well done Groovy/Grails/Spring people, this is a sensible partnership!

I really hope (as Graeme promised :) that this can help Groovy/Grails development work better on Eclipse.


hancho said...

This is great!!!!

hancho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maxim Gubin said...


This is good news. Hopefully this will bring more hands to improve grails.
I would definitely like to see a better tooling support for Eclipse and better integration with Maven (I know grails 1.1 promises that!)

Is the griffon project going to follow suit?

Anonymous said...

SpringSource is evil. You have just stepped over to the dark side (Imperial March playing in background) and are now threading the same path as Spring and JBoss. Next thing you know we'll be getting only certain versions without paying a support fee. :(

Graeme Rocher said...

@Anonymous I'm all for the "Open Source is pure" and the FSS movement thing, but in reality in order for an Open Source project to flourish it needs a viable business behind it.

Pretty much every successful Open Source project has one, from the Linux distros, to Firefox, to MySQL, to Java.

So are SpringSource evil because they want to achieve a viable business that can keep people employed? I don't think so. Ultimately it is slightly naive to expect an Open Source project to not try to monetize somehow.

Having said that most of the concerns seem to be around a license change, and what I can tell you is that Grails will always be Apache 2.0. I strongly believe in maintaining the trust of the community and avoiding a license change is critical for that.

The main thinking is that Grails will be another driver for Spring adoption (which it is already) and there will be some exciting integrations in the future between Spring portfolio products and Grails.

Anonymous said...

My point is that when money talks BS walks. When you start 'selling out' like that you're bound to start making decisions for economic benefit. Maybe you won't, but some VC controlling SpringSource might...

On the other hand it's your framework and you can do whatever you want with it....

Over and out.

PS: I wish you and community all the best and hope Grails and Groovy will stay as free from pressures by capital as possible.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood this idea that "money is evil" and "business is bad" when it comes to creating things. If the user community wasn't writing software for their company, they would have no need for things like Grails and Groovy. Are you willing to build your Grails-based project for free? No, you expect your company to pay you. So why can't we celebrate that Grails has proved itself good enough that it was acquired by a company that has done nothing but write top-notch software and give it away? As long as the license remains intact, then we are cool. G2One has never made a license change, and neither has SpringSource, so why should we assume something sinister is about to happen?

Graeme Rocher said...

@gregturn I am glad someone is making some sense. Ultimately you got to feed the family somehow ;-)

Ricardo said...

Groovy and Grails are change my life. Thanks for all an congratulations!!

Andre Prasetya said...

Hi, i was just studying groovy and grails, and it made my programming life easier and bring the fun back. Something That I missed for a long time. I believe that integration with Spring Source will benefit G2One community and Spring community as well. All I can say is congratulations. I hope this integration will bring a better future for both companies and the communities as well. Thank you for creating such a great language and framework.

龙卷风 said...

Hello, I am a fan of Grails.
I have a question. Why the Grails 1.0.4 is still using the milestone 1 version of Spring WebFlow?


Chris said...

Congrats on the aquisition. Yes SpringSource, YOU CAN HAZ.

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Anonymous said...

Hi. Good review. I hope that one of the buzzing ideas is the option of adding social capabilities to Grails.