Thursday, December 21, 2006

Groovy gets official backing and a full time developer

The events that have led to this announcement have been teetering in the background for a while now, but it is now official as published by eWEEK: Big Sky Technology (of No Fluff Just Stuff fame) has hired core Groovy developer Jochen Theodorou to work on Groovy full time.

This is huge news and means Groovy, for the first time, has full time resources to call on and shows that regardless of Sun's position on JRuby, Groovy is here to stay. 2007 is looking like a great year for Groovy & Grails :-)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Grails JavaPolis 06 Interview

Bill Venners from Artima interviewed me about Grails at JavaPolis 06 the result of which can be heard here.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Grails + Open Laszlo Integration

The community that is building around Grails is quite amazing to see. Not only has the wiki been translated into three languages (Chinese, Korean and Japanese), but we users contributing code all over the place.

The plug-in system is going to be included in the 0.4 release, but is actually fully working in SVN at the moment, and we have users taking advantage of it already with an OpenLaszlo plugin that lets you generated a Laszlo CRUD application from a Grails domain class.

For those of you who don't know OpenLaszlo is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) framework that allows you to generate Flash or Ajax applications using a more domain specific mark-up. Checkout the examples.


Grails: The JavaPolis Report

Well I'm back from JavaPolis 06 now after presenting Grails at a session there. I must say I was very impressed by the setup and venue they had at JavaPolis. It was a lot of fun, the only downside being the dodgy wifi.

Back to Grails though, it was a really enjoyable session with a mostly packed room. I got a strong feeling that people who attended really began to understand the essence of Grails and how it is not just a Rails clone. Yes that is right people *shock, horror* there are lessons Rails can learn from Grails too ;-)

The other enjoyable part was that I got to see the print version of my book for the first time and handed out 3 copies of it at the session. It was a real relief as it was much harder work than I imagined, but now it is done and the focus is to implement the key features on the Grails roadmap.

Other than that I got to chat to some interesting people from I21, Oracle, Sun, Google, JBoss and so on making it all good fun. It was good to get to chat to Charles Nutter from JRuby again who was once again extremely sensible in suggesting there is a lot of cross over between what we are doing and more ideas should be shared.

Overall a very successful trip that opened a lot of eyes. 2007 is going to be a big year for Groovy & Grails.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Grails Live Webcast + Groovy RC1 is out!

Couple of things, first off there will be a live broadcast of the Groovy+Grails User Group (GUG) Meeting to be held in London thanks to our kind friends at Oracle. Registration is free, the only downside is that you will need IE6 for it to work, so whip out Parallels where appropriate ;-)

I will be speaking about dynamic tag libraries with Grails and John Wilson will be going in depth about Groovy's MetaClass, which has now been re-worked and is out in the wild thanks to the release of Groovy RC1!

Congrats to the whole Groovy team for a fantastic job, 1.0 is just round the corner!