The main portal for Sky television has relaunched written in Grails. Sky, also known as British Sky Broadcasting or BSkyB, employs 17000 people in the UK and operates the largest satellite network in the UK.
The site receives a million+ hits per day and joins all the other subsites also written in Grails:
Congrats to the Sky team!
Update 07/10: Couple of new things have arison since this was posted. Firstly, Sky actually employ 17000 people not 11000. Seems the Google sample data I obtained was out of date.
Also Glenn Saqui has a nice write-up on the architecture of on Marc's Blog. Altogether the 4 subsites listed above receive over 110 million hits per month and run on a cluster of web layer machines and 2 db machines. Checkout the aforementioned link for more info.
If is reassuring that a major web-site has been written using Grails.
I wonder if Grails was used as the primary technology, and how? E.g., are all the pages written using GSP? Did they use GORM? It looks like they also use Vignette and Java portlet standard.
The system is using GORM and GSP. The site was previously powered by vignette and they migrated it to Grails hence a lot of vignette artifacts (CSS and JS) were carried over
Congrats to the Grails/G2One team!!!
Congrats to the Grails team indeed!!
Do you know if is running on Tomcat, or Glassfish, or ...
How about a "Lessons learned" article? That would really be interesting.
I think you'll find it's about 17,000 people and they're all in the UK. It's well worth checking out the Sky Movies site - their big movie pages are looking great. eg:
Dark Knight:
Hello friend!
I'm new to grails and new to program also and I have a question for you:
In the Grails Reference Documentation you say "Grails' Scaffolding feature does not currently support many-to-many relationship and hence you must write the code to manage the relationship yourself"
How can I implement this?....I have no idea about doing that....Could you help me with that, please?
Tks a lot
Ps: sorry for my bad English...
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