Wow, the Groovy/Grails community is really getting it together. First we had the launch of, which is a social networking site for Groovy/Grails people to connect with other Groovy/Grails people. The site is built on Grails and its only been up for a few days but aldready over 600 people registered. If you haven't done so do so! The source code for GrailsCrowd is also availabe at Github
Not to be outdown, however, Glen Smith has launched the Groovy Awards ! A site dedicated to nominating the best contributors and to the Groovy / Grails community. Awards up for grabs include Groovy / Grails t-shirts and other goodies. Check it out.
On my front, I know I have been rather inactive posting. Books are really all consuming beasts. I have given a go to twittering now and again about what I'm writing about, although I'm still not sure I "get" twitter.
WOW, welcome to the Twitter world, Graeme! I can't say that I'm a 'Twitter fanatic', but I did not understand it at first. But I grew to appreciate it. The key thing here is the 'following/followers' community. Once you have built that, it's quite fun to have all kinds of meaningful conversations, etc.
Thanks for Grails Crowd kind words! BTW, I've added the support for Gravatars (, so if you have few moments, you might want to add a gravatar and associate it with you profile email, so the Grails world know what you look like ;-)
what about socialsite and Grails???
Is there any interest in this regard from the grails folks?
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