Haven't posted in a while, but the focus for the last few weeks,
Grails wise that is, has been getting 0.4 out and then putting out a sensible point release from community feedback. Grails 0.4.1 is that point release and is
out now.
So now that things have settled down a bit I want to talk a little about one of the features in Grails 0.4 that really excites me. It is called the
ExpandoMetaClass and what it does is bring to Groovy easy addition of dynamic features kind of like in Ruby's meta stuff and Javascript's prototype object.
Groovy has always had the underlying infrastructure to make magic happen, it has just been hard to get to for Joe user, particularly when coming from other languages with these features. In Grails, this is no longer the case and the plan is to move this functionality into Groovy core in the future. So how does it work in Grails?
Well say you have a class, it could be a Java or a Groovy class, and you want to add a method to it. Let's take java.lang.String for example. Say you wanted to add a new method that takes an existing String and swaps the casing of the String so upper case letters are in lower case and vica versa. This is how you do it:
String.metaClass.swapCase = {->
def sb = new StringBuffer()
delegate.each {
sb << (Character.isUpperCase(it as char) ? Character.toLowerCase(it as char) :
Character.toUpperCase(it as char))
assert "UpAndDown" == "uPaNDdOWN".swapCase()
Job done. Notice the special use of the implicit "delegate" variable that equates to "this" inside the method. Now the nice thing is it is not just methods you can do this for. You can add constructors, properties, instance methods, and static methods (checkout the
docs for more info) on any Java OR Groovy class. Hopefully this will help make Groovy Meta programming more accessible.